Tuesday 17th September 2024,
Batty Tales

The only way is up

The only way is up

In just under three weeks, myself and a few others will be embarking on a 225km bike ride – uphill. Starting at Tathra on NSW’s far south coast, we’ll be riding (almost) to the summit of Mt Kosciusko before walking the final 4km.

I quite like riding, even riding up hills, but this is a little bit crazier than normal because there is over 4km of elevation gain and we don’t get to ride down it again at the end, doing jumps and going around corners fast and stuff. It’s just the uphill bit. Did I mention that it’s all up hill?

Our riding team consists of Chris Winton, Matthew Beresford, Tom Batty, Pete Richardson and Scott Balhatchet. In support will be Razz Tiley, Sam Westwood and David Phillips.

But it’s not without purpose. Our group will be raising money for the Bible Society, who will be directing the funds raised into two programs.

Bibles for the Australian Defence Forces & Chaplaincy work

Providing specialist Scriptures for chaplains working within the Australian Defence Forces (ADF), as well as the police force, emergency services, hospitals, prisons and seafarers’ missions.

The ADF Scripture edition comes with a camouflage- patterned cover, an element familiar to those in the services.

A special Police-blue edition includes specific readings on grief, ethics, integrity, leadership and forgiveness.

Such ‘targeted’ versions of God’s Word are relevant to the reader, engage their interest and are life-changing.

“Read to Live” Program in South America

For most, a person’s home is their haven, a place of safety and rest. Tragically, for thousands of women and children across South America, home is a place of danger and fear, a place of intimidation and violence.

Bible Societies across Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Panama are joining together and using God’s Word to face the very serious problem of domestic violence in South American communities.

A Bible-based literacy programme is reaching women at risk in rural-dwelling and indigenous communities where education levels are low. Bible Society is committed to rebuilding these women’s lives and giving them a new future centred on God’s Word and Christ’s love.

Now, to those friends of mine reading this who don’t consider yourself Christian, please don’t feel obligated to donate to this cause. Although all donations are welcome and will be used in valuable and life changing ministries, the call to support Christian mission is the responsibility of Christians. I only hope you read this and discover some of what I believe is important.

To those friends of mine who share a Christian faith, please consider prayerfully any contribution you might like to make. Many of you support many other ministries and churches. If you do see the worth in this work, donations can be made by following the link below. Whichever way you decide, your prayers for our safety and God’s work will be most welcome.


One last note – our disclaimer said it’s not a race. Although, every ride’s a race, so I’ll be racing Tom. See you at the top, bro!

Until next time,

Brendan, Angela, River and Asher

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  1. Sandra de Valliere 2 October 2013 at 10:02 pm

    Go Battys. Both of you, and the one that married one.

    • Batty 3 October 2013 at 1:38 pm

      Thanks Mum, and thanks for the donation!

  2. Geoff 4 October 2013 at 1:31 am

    Sounds like a lot of pain so i´ll help ease it with a donation of $30 and a special prize (direct from Europe) if a Batty beats the rest of the group. Cheers from Madrid.

    • Batty 17 October 2013 at 11:28 am

      Thanks Dad! And thanks Matt and Rach Ware for your donation!

  3. Batty 17 October 2013 at 2:58 pm

    Thanks Dan and Leah for your donation!

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