Lance Armstrong (allegedly) took drugs and helped raise $470 million dollars for his charity, Livestrong. You’ve probably all heard about it, recently. Whether or not any of that’s true, I think the MS Society could learn a thing or two for its annual Sydney to Gong ride, coming up this Sunday. More performance enhancing drugs, [...]
October 30, 2012
Interesting Stories
I consider myself incredibly fortunate to be 10 years out of school and still have the same group of friends that made it fun. There is little doubt that a shared faith in the God of the Bible and a very social church life has contributed to that. No doubt too, is the shelter of [...]
October 22, 2012
Interesting Stories
We’ve all got one, even if we won’t admit to it, or call it by a different name. On my list are things like; shuffle a deck of cards back into order; write a song that gets voted into Triple J’s Hottest 100; make a video that goes viral on the internet. I don’t think [...]
July 4, 2012
Interesting Stories
Tip 1. Get your 4WD defected by the South Australian transport authority. You might remember this post, The Mighty (and slightly abused) Patrol where I extolled the virtues of our trusty Nissan Patrol. Well, none of those virtues let me down. I took the Patrol to get SA’s equivelent of a NSW rego check (the two are [...]
November 24, 2011
Interesting Stories